
HPTU Suppliers

For current and prospective suppliers, this section is your one-stop resource for effective collaboration with our hospital. Here you will find essential information on how to become a supplier, general policies, regulatory compliance, induction, sustainability, and more. We are committed to maintaining a transparent and efficient relationship with our suppliers as key players in our goal to deliver exceptional healthcare.

Stay informed about key dates and collaboration opportunities throughout the year.

Suppliers Calendar

Stay up to date with Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe's key activities for suppliers.

We highlight important moments such as the period for uploading documentation, the publication of bids, and the payment calendar. Annually, our bids for the purchase of goods are published on the Bionexo platform.

Need help or more information?
Contact our expert:

Katerin Paola Torres B
Bionexo Colombia
Client Management and Development Executive

Supplier and Contractor Resources

Contractor Training: Before you begin your on-site work at Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, it is essential to complete our mandatory induction. This process will guide you through our key safety, health and environmental management protocols. See More

Medical Fees: From this system you will be able to verify and print your different certificates. Please enter your nit without the check digit and the assigned password to enter the system. See More

Contractors and Remote Suppliers Induction: For contractors and suppliers who work remotely for the Hospital, these recommendations complement the Occupational Health and Safety System of your company. See More

Are you interested in collaborating with Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe as a supplier?

Important Information

We cordially invite you to start the pre-registration process and to share with us your product or service catalog. This step is essential for us to get to know your company better and evaluate how your offers could meet our needs.

Find the pre-registration form by clicking on the following button.

  • Centralized and Updated Information: This process helps us to obtain updated and segmented data on potential suppliers, both national and international.
  • Eligibility Criteria: All those companies interested in being suppliers of goods and services may register, provided they comply with a percentage of implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System higher than 85%, in accordance with Resolution 0312 of 2019.
  • Information Management: The information provided will be received directly by the Hospital. In case you need additional information or if your company is selected, we will contact you.

General Policies

At Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, we follow clear and fair criteria for the selection of our suppliers, focusing on transparency and quality. Find out more about our premises and policies that guide this vital process.

Regulatory Compliance

Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe strictly adheres to compliance regulations, including anti-money laundering, workplace safety and personal data protection. Find out more about our compliance practices.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to ethics and integrity in all our operations. Learn about the principles that guide our interactions with suppliers and collaborators.


At Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, we integrate sustainability as a key pillar in our supply chain strategy.

Our focus is on reducing negative impacts and generating lasting benefits for our staff, patients, community and the environment. Through our Sustainable Purchasing program, we strive to procure products and services that are environmentally friendly and produced under fair and equitable conditions.

This commitment reflects our active responsibility to manage risk and promote ethical and sustainable sourcing practices.

Contact and Transparency Line

In our transparency line you can anonymously and confidentially report irregular situations or fraud that may affect Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe.

Transparency Line: 01-8000-11-47-88

*Service operated by an independent company.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register as a supplier of Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe?

To register as a supplier, you must complete the pre-registration form available on our website and attach your catalog of services or products. This process is essential to be considered for future contracting opportunities.

What criteria does the Hospital use to select its suppliers?

The Hospital selects suppliers based on criteria of quality, regulatory compliance, and business ethics. The supplier's ability to comply with our sustainability, occupational health and safety, and personal data protection policies is evaluated.

Is induction mandatory for contractors and suppliers?

Yes, all contractors and suppliers working on site at the Hospital must complete our mandatory induction prior to joining. This covers important aspects such as infection prevention and safety at work.

How often do I need to update my provider information?

It is the responsibility of each supplier to keep their corporate information updated through our supplier portal. In addition, Supply Logistics staff will annually request legal and specific documentation according to the type of supply.

When are payments made to suppliers?

Payments to suppliers are made on the last Wednesday of each month. If the due date of the invoice does not coincide with this day, payment will be made on the Wednesday following the due date, respecting the agreed financial discounts.