Joint Commission International (JCI)
In 2015, we received the Joint Commission international accreditation, the gold seal of approval in health, which indicates compliance with high standards of safety and quality applied in the care of our patients. We were accredited again on October 6, 2021.
For more information, please visit the official Joint Commission International website.

Icontec: Health accreditation with excellence
Since 2005 we have been accredited in the Unified Health Accreditation System in Colombia in the category of excellence, a certification that ensures the provision of health care with the highest standards of quality and safety. We have been accredited for five consecutive times, renewing our certification on October 30, 2022.
For more information, see our health accreditation.

Family Responsible Company® EFR
We were certified by Fundación Más Familia, Spain, as a Family Responsible Company® EFR, for promoting the work-life balance of our employees. On July 13, 2021, we obtained the A+ certification, the highest granted by the foundation, of the EFR model, making us the first organization in Latin America to receive it. This certification was renewed on December 14, 2023.
For more information, please visit the official website of Fundación Más Familia.

We are University Hospital
We are certified as a University Hospital by the Intersectorial Commission for Human Talent in Health, formed by the Ministries of Health and Social Protection and National Education, for harmonizing research, teaching and health services.
For more information, please visit the official website of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

We are a Women's and Children's Friendly Institution
In 2019, we received recognition from the Sectional Secretary of Health of Antioquia as a Woman and Child Friendly Institution; a UNICEF initiative; for guaranteeing comprehensive health and nutrition care for mothers, caregivers, children and adolescents.
For more information, consult the official site of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

Icontec: Environmental Management System
Since 2009, we have renewed the certification of our Environmental Management System, granted under the ISO 14001 standard, demonstrating our commitment to implementing actions to protect the environment.
For more information, please visit the official Icontec website.

Icontec: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Since 2009, we have certified our Occupational Health and Safety Management System, initially granted under the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, renewed in 2020 to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard, being renewed every three years. With this certification we demonstrate our commitment to the implementation of actions for the care and protection of the health of our employees.
For more information, please visit the official Icontec website.

Icontec: Design, development and delivery of occupational training services in the areas of health and safety.
The Pablo Tobón Uribe Education Institute received the NTC 5555 Certification in "Design and development of study plans in the health area and provision of training services for work in the health areas" and the NTC 5663 in "Training program for the work of a Labor Technician in Nursing Assistant" from Icontec.

Certification in Good Manufacturing Practices (BPE)
We obtained the certification in Good Manufacturing Practices (BPE) for magistral preparations, granted by Invima, which certifies our compliance with the standards that ensure the process of medicines in the Hospital.
For more information, please visit the official site of Invima.

Certification in Good Manufacturing Practices (BPM)
We obtained the certification in Good Manufacturing Practices (BPM) of medicinal gases, granted by Invima, who certifies our safety and reliability for its use and administration to the patient.
For more information, please visit the official Invima website.

Certification in Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
We obtained the certification in Good Clinical Practices in research processes, granted by Invima, which authorizes the development of research with medicines in human beings.
For more information, please visit Invima's official website.
We conceive quality and safety as inherent elements of our raison to be, as a fundamental value under which all actions directed to the patient and his family are sustained.
Other awards and recognitions
- Best financial management (1994)
- Best human management (1995)
- Best user response management (1996)
- Colombian Quality Award (1999)
- Ministry of the Environment Award (2004)
- VIDA Environmental Award (Corantioquia, 2004)
- Order Jaime Isaza Cadavid gold category (Activity in the field of science, research and technology, 2004)
- Quality in Health Award Colombia (Winner gold category, 2008)
- Accreditation in Excellence (Icontec, 2008)
- Maximum recognition of sustainability to good labor practices (Colombian Federation of Human Management, 2018).