Normative compliance
ML/TF is the possibility of loss or damage that our Hospital may suffer when it is used, directly or through our collaborators or operations, as an instrument for money laundering or to channel resources destined for terrorist activities, or when the concealment of assets from the activities described is intended.
In the relationship with our suppliers, the fully completed SARLAFT form will be requested annually in order to carry out the due validations in compliance with Colombian legislation.
Compliance with resolution 0312 of 2019:
The Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital, in compliance with resolution 0312 of 2019, requests annually from all its suppliers the certificate of implementation of the occupational health and safety management system, which must have a compliance percentage greater than 85%. .
Suppliers' personal data processing and protection policies
The Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital applies the policies for the treatment and protection of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of data protection regulations in Colombia.