Radiology and Image-Assisted Therapies

Radiology and Image-Assisted Therapies

Radiology is the medical specialty that uses images obtained from the application of ionizing radiation, ultrasound, or electromagnetism to diagnose diseases and even treat them in a minimally invasive manner.

Our services in Radiology and Image-Assisted Therapies
  • Image-guided therapies

Image-guided therapies utilize various equipment to visualize different organs or vascular structures in real-time. These procedures are minimally invasive, and the majority of them can be performed on an outpatient basis or with minimal hospitalization.

We have highly sophisticated X-ray and tomography equipment, along with all the necessary radiological protection tools, to carry out optimal procedures with the lowest possible radiation dose in the following services:

  • Body Interventional Procedures: Minimally invasive procedures where small devices are directed through different pathways such as blood vessels. These procedures target a wide range of pathologies affecting the trunk (chest, abdomen, pelvis), and limbs.
  • Neurointervention: By inserting small catheters, the circulation of the brain and neck can be directly evaluated, characterized, and treated in patients with conditions like cerebral hemorrhage due to aneurysms, vascular malformations, or trauma. Various techniques can be employed to restore circulation in the event of vessel occlusion causing a stroke and minimize the sequelae of a stroke.
  • Percutaneous Pain Therapies: These procedures offer an alternative management approach for chronic pain caused by degenerative diseases, usually of the spine, and for cancer-associated pain. Minimally invasive procedures like these often yield short and long-term results.
  • Hemodynamics and Electrophysiology: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart, including coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and congenital heart defects.

Access to the heart is achieved using thin catheters usually inserted from the arm or groin area (abdomen), and small devices like stents, balloons, or occluders can be released for the treatment of various pathologies.

  • Computed Tomography (CT Scan)

A non-invasive examination that uses specialized X-ray equipment to take images of the internal structures of the body. The CT scanner produces images or "slices" that show layers of body tissue at a time. By capturing images in this manner, our professionals can better visualize and identify any issues within the body.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

A diagnostic test that produces images of the inside of the body. It is based on the processing of radio waves passing through the patient, who is subjected to a powerful magnetic field. Unlike CT scans or simple X-rays, MRI does not use ionizing radiation (X-rays).

This procedure provides information about pathologies not visible with other imaging techniques and is used when other imaging tests are contraindicated, such as in the case of iodine contrast allergy used in CT scans.

  • Mammography

A radiological study similar to those described above but specifically designed for breast evaluation using different X-ray equipment. It requires the breasts to be placed on a surface and compressed to identify tumors or calcifications.

  • Molecular Imaging (NUCLEAR MEDICINE, PET-CT, AND RADIO22)

A diagnostic imaging method in which PET (positron emission tomography) and CT (computed tomography) images are sequentially obtained using the same PET-CT tomographic equipment.

To obtain this image, intravenous administration of a radiopharmaceutical is required, and the patient must remain at rest for an hour before moving to the scanner for radiation detection and image acquisition.

  • Ultrasound (Sonography)

Ultrasound studies use sound waves to create images of the body's internal organs. As the name suggests, ultrasound waves are used, not X-rays as in other study techniques. These ultrasound waves can be used safely in all patients, including pregnant women, without any side effects.

The most common uses of ultrasound are:

  • Investigating the cause of pain or infection.
  • Reviewing an inflamed area.
  • Examining internal structures of the abdomen and pelvis.
  • Examining breast tissue.
  • Guiding needles during tissue sampling.

  • Doppler Study

A study performed with the same principles as ultrasound used for a conventional ultrasound. In this study, vascular structures such as veins or arteries of the neck, extremities, and abdomen are evaluated. Doppler evaluation can assess the flow of these vascular structures, representing the velocities of this flow in red and blue colors on the monitor screen.

The most common uses of Doppler studies are:

  • Detecting deep or superficial venous thrombosis in the upper or lower limbs.
  • Evaluating varicose veins (venous insufficiency).
  • Detecting vein inflammation (phlebitis).
  • Assessing the presence of thrombi or stenosis in arteries, especially in the neck and lower limbs.
  • Evaluating the vascularization of implants in transplant patients.
  • Assessing scrotal alterations such as varicocele, testicular or epididymal inflammation, or testicular torsion.

  • Radio Dichloride 223

A radiopharmaceutical acting as a therapeutic agent emitting alpha particles. It is introduced into the bone and absorbed by areas where cancer is present in the bones. Once in the bone, it causes the death of some nearby cancerous bone cells, reducing pain, and improving the quality of life for patients.

  • Plethysmography

A study used to assess the state of the arteries non-invasively. Generally, it is used to check the blood flow in the arteries of the arms and legs to evaluate their function and rule out any obstruction or narrowing diseases. It also helps clarify the cause of a possible vascular disease.

Our professionals in Radiology and Image-Assisted Therapies
  • Radiologists

Carlos Mario Gonzales Vásquez

M.D. Radiologist

Claudia Montoya Giraldo

M.D. Radiologist

Andrés Valencia Delgado

M.D. Radiologist

Beatriz Molinares Arévalo

M.D. Radiologist

César Andrés Ortega Toscano

M.D. Radiologist

Marta Claudia Sánchez Correa

M.D. Radiologist

Juan Esteban López Amaya

M.D. Radiologist

Catalina Cuervo Valencia

M.D. Radiologist

Vanessa García Gómez

M.D. Radiologist

Jhonatan Reina

M.D. Radiologist

Verónica Prada

M.D. Radiologist

  • Osteomuscular Radiologists

Ricardo Uribe

M.D. Osteomuscular Radiologist

Mauricio Estrada Castrillón

M.D. Osteomuscular Radiologist

  • Pediatric Radiologists

Lina Marcela Cadavid Álvarez

M.D. Pediatric Radiologist

Jorge Alberto Ochoa Gaviria

M.D. Pediatric Radiologist

  • Interventional Radiologists

Sergio Álvarez Vallejo

M.D. Interventional Radiologist, Head of Radiology

Santiago Echeverry Isaza

M.D. Interventional Radiologist

José Miguel Hidalgo Oviedo

M.D. Interventional Radiologist

Emilio Sanín Pérez

M.D. Interventional Radiologist

  • Neurointerventional Radiologists

Andrés Ignacio Arbeláez Medina

M.D. Neurointerventional Radiologist

Gabriel Jaime Ortiz Piza

M.D. Neurointerventional Radiologist

  • Breast Radiologists

William Quiceno Calderón

M.D. Breast Radiologist

  • Nuclear Medicine Physicians

Mónica Alexandra Vidal Gonzales

M.D. Nuclear Medicine Physician

Alejandro Delgado Quijano

M.D. Nuclear Medicine Physician

When to check Radiology and Image-Assisted Therapies?

When seeking a radiologist, it's important to consider that each may have a specific specialty and the appropriate technology for each case. Here are some basic recommendations for different procedures:

How Should I Prepare for a CT Scan?
  • Inform the staff about your medications, allergies, recent illnesses, or other conditions such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, or thyroid problems.
  • Inform the staff if you are pregnant or think you might be.
  • The last meal should be six hours before the exam.
  • Take your medications at their usual times with water and follow any other instructions provided by your healthcare professional.
  • Do not wear rings, earrings, necklaces, or watches, and remove any objects that might interfere with the CT images such as glasses, dentures, or hairpins. You may also be asked to remove hearing aids and removable dental work.
How Should I Prepare for Image-Guided Therapy?
  • Maintain a six-hour fast if sedation is possible and an eight-hour fast if the procedure will be performed under general anesthesia.
  • An adult companion is necessary.
  • Inform the staff if you have allergies, are pregnant, or suspect you might be.
How Should I Prepare for an MRI?
  • The test usually takes 30 to 60 minutes, although sometimes it may take longer.
  • Do not stop taking medication for hypertension, diabetes, or cholesterol.
  • Bring any previous studies (X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, PET scans, or scintigraphy) related to the area being examined.
  • Fast for six to eight hours before the exam if it will be performed with contrast medium or if you will be given a sedative.
  • Do not wear any type of jewelry.
How to Prepare for Conventional Radiology, Mammography, and Special Studies?
  • For patients who are or may be pregnant, it's essential to inform the radiologist. They will try to suggest an alternative diagnostic test to replace X-rays. If this test is necessary, the abdomen or pelvis will be covered with a lead apron as the fetus is more sensitive to radiation.
  • In the case of mammography, it's important not to use deodorant or creams on the chest area on the day of the exam, as these products can be detected by X-rays and lead to a misdiagnosis.
  • For radiological studies with contrast, inform the imaging staff if you have a history of allergies to contrast agents, fish, or asthma.
How to Prepare for an Ultrasound?

The preparations vary for each study:

  • You may be asked to remove clothing from the area to be examined and change into a gown.
  • Do not eat or drink for several hours before the exam.
  • For other exams, you may need to drink a specific amount of water before the study to ensure your bladder is full. Requirements will be communicated before your appointment.

Comprehensive Care

Our comprehensive health approach aims to ensure the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of each patient by offering holistic and personalized care during their stay through the following support services:

Specialized Nursing
We provide specialized nursing in Radiology and image-guided therapies.

Clinical Nutrition
We offer the best nutritional care to patients, with a focus on high complexity cases, delivered in an integrated, timely, friendly, and safe manner in coordination with the interdisciplinary health team.

Diagnostic Support
We conduct complementary studies to the clinical evaluation of the patient to confirm a diagnosis and take therapeutic actions.

Clinical Psychology
We provide psychological support to patients and their families who are hospitalized or require specialized outpatient consultation due to their condition.

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