Who was Pablo Tobón Uribe?

Son of the marriage of physician Fermín Claudio Tobón and María de Jesús Uribe, he always distinguished himself for his generous and philanthropic spirit; for this he received the Cross of Boyacá in the rank of Grand Knight, a distinction granted to him by Rojas Pinilla in 1953.

He was one of the richest men in the Medellín of his time: the largest shareholder of Colombiana de Tabaco and Cervecería Unión and owner of several real estate properties throughout the city. He was co-founder and contributor of publications such as Revista Colombia, La Paira and El Sol.

When he died, he left most of his fortune to the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital Foundation, which would be in charge of caring for people with limited resources. He was also a benefactor of the Pablo Tobón Uribe Theater.

Don Pablo was known as a somewhat eccentric man with strange habits: he did not own a car and preferred to rent a public service car; he spent his days reading, he did not like to travel and thought that the best way to get to know a place was through reading; he only left the country in 1952 when he was in Rochester, United States, to undergo medical treatment.

At home he had no telephone or radio and during his convalescence he had the electric doorbell suppressed, using instead a whistle to call his sister Maria or the maids.

He died on March 15, 1954 at the age of 72. In 1976 his remains were transferred to the chapel of our Hospital in accordance with his will expressed in his testament.

Hospital Profile

The Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital is an institution of the health sector, of private origin, "non-profit", testamentary foundation, with legal status (Ministry of Justice, Resolution 0528, 1955), of general character, university according to agreement number 00149 of March 21, 2014 of the Intersectoral Commission for Human Talent in Health, with teaching activities - assistance in agreement with different universities in the city and the country.

It is an organization that from its origins has a clear philosophical structure that has been guiding its work throughout its history. The three pillars that support it are:

Human Hospital
Hospital that exists because the sick exist

Its actions are based on:

Its foundations are based on principles of ethics and credibility; high technology, with high "tact", coherent collaborators in their thoughts, words and actions; flexibility for updating, innovation and change; user-oriented service; micro-invasiveness; rationalization of procedures and costs; highly specialized units and sustainable development.

The Hospital began operations in 1970 and throughout this time it has gradually developed according to the possibilities of having high technology, trained collaborators who share its philosophy and the economic resources to support them. It is classified at level three of care (maximum level of complexity), in which specialized laboratory services, radiology, surgeries and complex procedures are offered to the community.

It is a hospital linked to the general health social security system; it was authorized in 2003 with a health services provider code by the Departmental Health Directorate of Antioquia. It is financed mostly with the resources it receives from the provision of its services, which challenges it to be very efficient in its management.