Internal Medicine is a medical specialty that enables comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of adult patients, ranging from 18 years old to geriatric patients. Our service provides treatment for acute or chronic diseases that do not require surgical or interventional procedures.
Emergency and Hospitalization Care
Institutional Consultation
We conduct follow-up after hospitalization for acute or chronic illnesses in patients with risk factors or cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Executive Check-up
We conduct medical evaluation accompanied by a series of tests aimed at detecting risk factors or diseases early to intervene and prevent their negative impact on the person's health.
Natalia Zapata Hincapié
M.D. Internist - Head of Internal Medicine Section
Natalia Arboleda Arias
M.D. Internist
Camilo Aristizabal García
M.D. Internist
Elisa Bernal Sierra
M.D. Internist
Juan Guillermo Gamboa Arroyave
M.D. Internist
Jaime Alberto Gómez Rosero
M.D. Internist
Mauricio Hincapié Aristizabal
M.D. Internist
Yoel Korenfeld Kaplan
M.D. Internist
Andrés Camilo Mora Granja
M.D. Internist
Mauricio Múnera García
M.D. Internist
Juliana Murillo Pérez
M.D. Internist
Juan Sebastian Peinado Acevedo
M.D. Internist
Jefferson Alejandro Pérez Mesa
M.D. Internist
Luis Carlos Prada Benavides
M.D. Internist
Juan David Ramirez Quintero
M.D. Internist
Ricardo César Restrepo Correa
M.D. Internist
Marcel Enrique Ribero Vargas
M.D. Internist
Jairo Rivera Castro
M.D. Internist
Juan Camilo Rodríguez Castrillón
M.D. Internist
Jorge Ricardo Sánchez Madrid
M.D. Internist
Elsy Cristina Sierra Vargas
M.D. Internist
Ana María Valencia Ruiz
M.D. Internist
Juliana Vega Miranda
M.D. Internist
Jorge Byron Velásquez Botero
M.D. Internist
Juan Fernando Velásquez Osorio
M.D. Internist
Carlos Andrés Villa Franco
M.D. Internist
Monica Zuluaga Quintero
M.D. Internist
When to consult an Internist?
You should consult with an internist if you are over 18 years old and experience any of the following conditions:
Comprehensive Care
Our comprehensive health approach aims to ensure the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of each patient, offering holistic and personalized care during their stay through the following support services:
Clinical Psychology
We provide psychological support to patients and their families who are hospitalized or require specialized outpatient consultation for their condition.
Clinical Nutrition
We offer the best nutritional care to patients, with an emphasis on high complexity, in a comprehensive, timely, friendly, and safe manner; in coordination with the interdisciplinary health team.
Social Work
We provide comprehensive support to the patient and their family, recognizing their protective factors, internal resources, personal, family, and social situations; to impact adherence to outpatient treatments proposed by the treating medical team.
We ensure successful pharmacological therapy with quality care for patients, with minimal risk.
Contact our Call Center at (604) 360 4788 to request an appointment with Internal Medicine.
For further information or general inquiries, please contact us at (604) 445 90 00.
Datos de contacto
PBX: +57+(604) 445 90 00
Central de citas: +57+(604) 360 47 88
Línea de transparencia: 01-8000-11-47-88
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