Our educational and service alliances are evidence of our collaboration with Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and various entities for the development of future professionals in the health sector through training internships.
Click here to see the list of Higher Education Institutions with agreement
- Colegio Mayor de Antioquia
- Fundación Universitaria San Martín
- Instituto de Educación Pablo Tobón Uribe
- Uniminuto
- Universidad Adventista de Colombia
- Universidad Católica de Manizales
- Universidad CES
- Universidad de Antioquia
- Universidad de Caldas
- Universidad de El Bosque
- Universidad de la Sabana
- Universidad del Norte
- Universidad del Quindío
- Universidad del Rosario
- Universidad del Sinú
- Universidad EIA
- Universidad de Los Andes
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Universidad de Pontificia Bolivariana
- Universidad Pontificia Javeriana

General aspects
The academic objectives that students must achieve within our Hospital must be presented by the Higher Education Institution (HEI) to which they belong.
The care responsibility falls on the collaborator linked to the Hospital; therefore, this must be committed to protect the individuality and privacy of patients and their willingness to accept or not the care by trainees.
All training practices must be approved through our Teaching Committee, which ultimately defines the installed capacity, the number of students, the level of training and the objectives that can be accepted and executed for a given rotation.
Commitments in the academic environment of the HPTU
Responsibilities of the HPTU as a University Hospital
● Provide, according to its availability, the personnel, facilities, equipment and supplies that are necessary for the development of the training practices at the Hospital.
● Conduct an induction prior to the beginning of the training practice with the purpose of providing students with an approach to the general operation of the institution.
● Provide on loan and when deemed necessary, personal protective equipment or work implements according to the requirements of each service.
● Ensure the safety and welfare of students in the activities they perform during their training practice.
● Perform the analysis and follow-up of accidents or work incidents that occur with the student during their rotation at the Hospital.
● To have academic spaces and rest areas available for students.
● Guarantee the student that the shifts will have a maximum of 12 continuous hours, with breaks that allow for physical and mental recovery, as well as not exceeding 66 hours per week.
● To carry out the teaching-service relationship with formally recognized institutions of proven suitability.
● Respect students, welcome them in due form and treat them with courtesy, as members of the institution.
● Do not transfer the responsibility for assistance to the students. Their activity is supervised by a teacher who is responsible for assistance in the Hospital.
● Regulate and control that the patient's evaluation and the orders made by the residents as part of the care and treatment plan are authorized by the faculty member.
● Not delegate to the student any invasive or risky treatment or procedure without the personal supervision of a general practitioner or specialist of the Hospital.
● To carry out the teaching with the participation and direct responsibility of all the personnel linked to the Hospital.
● Disseminate these regulations during the induction of students and ensure compliance with the same.
● Make the technical appendix with the objectives of the rotation known to the teacher accompanying the student.
Student Responsibilities
● Complete the induction programmed by the Hospital, which is a requirement to perform the respective training internship. In case of being out for a period of one year or more, such induction must be done again.
● Comply with the documents required by the Hospital for the development of the formative practice.
● Read and, in case of acceptance, sign the agreement between the Hospital and the student on the day the internship begins, in order to formalize and collaborate with the necessary administrative procedures at the Institution.
● Know, accept and respect the organizational philosophy and purposes as well as the internal regulations, including the code of ethics and behavior available on the Hospital's intranet.
● Comply with the program of activities, assigned responsibilities and participate constructively in the work carried out at the Hospital.
● Comply with the schedule commitments acquired, explain the causes of delays or non-attendance when they occur and give due explanations and documentation when applicable.
● Perform the procedures and academic activities assigned by the Hospital, including extramural programs organized by the respective department.
● Use the equipment, instruments and elements only for the performance of work within the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe.
● Comply with risk reduction policies and procedures for patients and visitors, such as: correct patient identification, hand hygiene, respect for isolation, antibiotic prophylaxis, rational use of antibiotics, medication reconciliation and accreditation of procedures, among others.
● Report clinical risks, incidents or adverse events of patients of which you become aware during their stay in the Hospital, to enable their mitigation, attention and resolution.
● Know and adhere to the care guides, protocols and procedures existing in the Hospital.
● Practice self-care, identify and prevent risks, correctly and timely use personal protection elements (gown, mask, goggles, gloves among others).
● Undergraduate level students cannot order any type of diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.
● Not to assume direct responsibilities over patients without the assistance of a faculty member linked to the Hospital.
● Respect and not disclose all information of CONFIDENTIAL nature, so the student agrees to fully comply with the information security policy that governs the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe.
● Comply with the policies of access and use of the electronic medical record.
● Use personal and non-transferable passwords to access the different information systems. Do not disclose them or access them with third party passwords, since their violation is considered a serious offense.
● Maintain open, timely, clear, precise and spontaneous communication within the Hospital.
● Report to their superiors any irregularities that may arise during their training practice.
● Respect the dignity of the Hospital's collaborators and colleagues.
● Refrain from providing services for which they do not have sufficient knowledge and training.
● Promote, disseminate and practice the culture of "patients' rights and duties".
●Respect the privacy and modesty of patients.
● Not to access patient information that is not directly related to the execution of their activities.
● To know the internal regulations of the Hospital and those of each area where the training practice is carried out, including this one.