Prostate biopsy

What is a prostate biopsy?

It is an ultrasound-guided radiological procedure in which several samples are taken from the prostate and sent for anatomopathological examination.

Approximate length of procedure

1 hour. Remember to be at the service point 2 hours before your appointment.

Does it require fasting?

This study requires you to fast completely on the day of the test. On the day before the study, follow these recommendations:

- Consume only liquid food (broths, jelly, juices, fruit, soda crackers and non-carbonated soft drinks).

- An oral Travad enema (two bottles) is required. Take one bottle at 3 pm and the second bottle at 5 pm on the same day.

- Mix with orange juice or orange soda and drink plenty of fluids.

General indications for the examination

- Keep the complete fasting recommended by your doctor.

- Two hours before the exam, place a Travad rectal enema.

- Bring the request for the study by the specialist with all clinical data (medical order) and current authorization and addressed to the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe.

- Bring the results of the prostate antigen test, previous biopsies, prostate MRI and urine culture less than a month.

- 10 days before the exam, stop taking anticoagulant drugs, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), asawin, advil (ibrofen), better 10 days before the exam, suspend the consumption of anticoagulant medications, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), asawin, advil (ibuprofen), mejoral, Gingo Biloba, Omega 3, persantin, antiplatelet agents or natural medications; always with prior authorization from your doctor.

- After the exam, you can eat a normal diet, it is normal to have some bleeding during urination or rectal bleeding, if you have fever or heavy bleeding, consult immediately to the emergency room.

How do I claim my results?

The results of this exam can be claimed between 10 and 12 business days after its completion, either in person at the Radiology service (floor 2, Tower B) or virtually through our online services available on the HPTU Mobile App or through our web portal by clicking here.

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.