Structured Education Program in Solid Organ and Tissue Transplantation

The Structured Education Program in Solid Organ Transplantation aims to guide patients and families in each stage of liver, kidney or intestine transplantation, to contribute to their adherence to treatment, informed decision making, reduce anxiety, possible risks and complications according to the transplant in the immediate postoperative period and at home.

Transplant coordination

Yuriana Castaño, Transplant Coordinator at the Hospital, explains in detail how we will be accompanying you in this process and what tools we have available for you to help you understand the transplant that was diagnosed.

Who can be the organ donor?

Types of transplantation

Living donor transplant

Renal transplant


Renal transplantation, when is it indicated and what complications can it cause?

Recommendations before and after renal transplantation

Rejection of the transplanted organ

Medications, home care and recommendations for visits to the physician

When to see a nephrologist?

Personal care and social life after renal transplantation

Feeding and care at home

Hygiene rules after renal transplantation

Pediatric transplantation

Solid organ transplant


Understanding liver transplantation

When is a liver transplant indicated?

How is the liver composed and what are its functions?

When is solid organ transplantation recommended?

Stages of liver transplant

Proper use of immunosuppressive medications

Signs and symptoms to consult in the emergency department

Care after Liver Transplant Surgery

Liver transplant rejection

How to care for yourself at home?

Home care after liver transplantation

Eating habits after liver transplantation

Social life after liver transplantation


Understanding liver transplantation in pediatric patients.

Liver transplantation in children: why and when do we recommend it?

Aftercare of pediatric patients