Patient information and education

Patient rights and duties

Know your rights

As a patient of the Hospital, you have fundamental rights that must be respected at all times. These rights are

  • To receive personalized, dignified, humane and ethical treatment.
  • Receive safe and excellent quality care.
  • To participate, decide and express your will in all matters related to care.
  • Receive clear and understandable information.
  • To count on the closeness of your family and friends.
  • Privacy and confidential handling of your information.
  • Not to be discriminated against for any reason.
  • Express and have your wishes, needs and emotions taken into account in the care process.
  • Receive information about social security coverage and costs related to your care.
  • Request a second opinion.
  • Receive end-of-life care, including respect for your decision to place a limit on therapeutic effort.
  • Respect for your cultural and religious beliefs.
  • Decide on your participation in teaching and research activities.

Fulfill your Duties

As a patient, you have duties that contribute to an effective health care process. These duties include:

  • To care for your health and the health of others.
  • Participate in your care and treatment process.
  • To treat caregivers and other patients with respect and dignity.
  • To inform in a clear and timely manner about your state of health, physical deterioration and circumstances associated with your social security.
  • To collaborate with the compliance of rules and instructions of the Hospital and the treating team.
  • To take care and make rational use of the Hospital and social security waste.
  • To commit yourself to the informed consent.

Nuestro Hospital es una institución de alta complejidad que atiende pacientes vulnerables e inmunosuprimidos y mantiene un comprimiso con su bienestar y seguridad; por esto, no está permitido el ingreso de mascotas de soporte emocional para asistir a citas en los diferentes servicios.

Preguntas frecuentes

En nuestras preguntas frecuentes podrás acceder a más contenido de tu interés. En este espacio encontrarás información general sobre nuestro Hospital, el agendamiento de citas, la entrega de historia clínica, entre otros.

Servicios en línea

Accede a tu historia clínica, resultados de laboratorio, resultados de ayudas diagnósticas, radiología y patología en tan solo tres pasos.

Horarios de visitas en unidades

Patient care units without isolation

Here you will find the conditions for companions and visitors in units where patients are not susceptible to transmissible infections:

EMERGENCIES (Adult and pediatric patients)

Conditions for companions

  • Adult patients in private areas: Two (2) permanent companions are allowed in the room and a third companion in the internal waiting room.
  • Patients under observation with hospitalization order: One (1) permanent companion is allowed in the room.
  • Pediatric patients: Two (2) companions are allowed in the room, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor.

    The change of companions is done at the following times:
  • From 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
  • From 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The relevance of accompanying patients with Fast-track criteria is evaluated in case of over-occupancy.

UCI and UCE (Adults)

Conditions for companions

In the Intensive Care Units and Special Care Units, the presence of a companion is required 24 hours a day, with the companion changing as needed.

Conditions for visitors

Visitors in the ICU and adult SCU are authorized at the following times:

  • From 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
  • From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

During these visiting hours, one person is allowed to enter and visitors are changed every 30 minutes.

ICU and ECU (Pediatrics and neonates)

Conditions for accompanying persons

The admission of two (2) companions is allowed, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor; with replacement of companions as needed.

The possibility of authorizing a greater number of companions in special situations is analyzed for all the assistance services. These exceptions are reported to the Security Guard of each service.

Conditions for visitors

Visits to the ICU and the pediatric and neonatal ECU are authorized during the following hours:

  • From 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
  • From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

During these visiting hours, one person is allowed to enter and visitors are changed every 30 minutes.


Conditions for accompanying persons

The admission of two (2) companions is allowed, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor; with replacement of companions as needed.

The possibility of authorizing a greater number of companions in special situations is analyzed for all the assistance services. These exceptions are reported to the Security Guard of each service.

During the night, only one companion is allowed in shared rooms.

Conditions for visitors

Visitors in pediatric hospitalization rooms are authorized from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


Conditions for companions

  • Single rooms: Two (2) companions are allowed in the room with change of companions as needed.
  • Shared rooms: One (1) permanent companion is allowed in the room.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant Unit: One (1) companion is allowed in the room if it is an adult patient or two (2) companions, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor, in case of a pediatric patient.

    Conditions for visitors

    Visits to the adult hospitalization rooms are authorized from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    In the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, exceptions are agreed with the assistance team.

Patient care units with isolation

Here you will find the conditions for accompanying persons and visitors in units where patients are susceptible to transmissible infections:

Conditions for companions

  • Adult patients: One (1) companion is allowed with a change of companion every 6 hours.
  • Pediatric patients: Two (2) companions are allowed, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor; with replacement every 6 hours.

    Conditions for visitors

    Visitors are not allowed for patients, whether adult or pediatric, who are in the emergency department in isolation.

Conditions for companions

The admission of a companion is allowed at the discretion of the care team according to the clinical and psychological condition of the patient, with replacement every 6 hours.

Conditions for visitors

The admission of a visitor is allowed at the discretion of the care team.


  • From 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
  • From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Conditions for accompanying persons

The admission of two (2) companions is allowed, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor; with replacement every 6 hours.

Conditions for visitors

The admission of a visitor is allowed at the discretion of the care team.

Hours of operation:

  • From 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
  • From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Conditions for accompanying persons

The entrance of two (2) companions is allowed, either parents or the persons designated and authorized by them to accompany the minor; with replacement every 6 hours.

Conditions for visitors

The entrance of one visitor is allowed.

6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


Conditions for companions

The admission of one (1) companion per patient is allowed, either in single or shared room; with companion change every 6 hours.

Conditions for visitors

The admission of one visitor is allowed.


  • From 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

¿Cómo llegar al Hospital?

Nuestra sede está ubicada en la calle 78B # 69-240, en el barrio Robledo - Córdoba, Medellín Antioquia. 

Transporte público

Aquí podrás encontrar una guía completa sobre cómo llegar desde diferentes puntos estratégicos de la ciudad al Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, según la opción de transporte público de tu preferencia.

ruta de bus

López de mesa

Biblioteca Tomás Carrasquilla La Quintana / Puente de Punto Cero / Universidad de Antioquia / Plaza Minorista / Plaza Botero o Museo de Antioquia / Estación Prado · Metro de Medellín

ruta de bus

Bello Horizonte

Unidad Deportiva Atanasio Girardot / Parque de San Antonio / Parque de las luces / Universidad Católica Luis Amigó / Estación Cisneros · Metro de Medellín

ruta de bus

Doce de octubre

Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación / Plaza Botero o Museo de Antioquia / Plaza Minorista / Biblioteca Tomás Carrasquilla / La Quintana

Ruta de bus

Transversal occidental

Biblioteca Tomás Carrasquilla / La Quintana / Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Volador) / Plaza Minorista / Plaza Botero o Museo de Antioquia 

Ruta de la salud

Esta ruta de buses realiza su recorrido por los principales centros de salud que posee Medellín, incluyendo el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe.

Ruta de la salud

308: Derecha

Puedes tomar esta ruta en los siguientes puntos de referencia: 

Tecnológico de Antioquia / Ruta N / Estación Prado · Metro de Medellín / Centro Comercial Villa Nueva / Parque del Periodista / Edificio Torres de Bomboná / Estación Exposiciones · Metro de Medellín / Parque de las luces / Estación Suramericana · Metro de Medellín / Éxito de Colombia / Centro Comercial Obelisco

ruta de la salud

309: Izquierda

Puedes tomar esta ruta en los siguientes puntos de referencia:

Tecnológico de Antioquia / Facultad de Minas Universidad Nacional (Avenida 80) / Éxito de Robledo / Cuarta Brigada Ejército Nacional / Unidad Deportiva Atanasio Girardot / Estación Estadio · Metro de Medellín / Éxito de la 70 / Centro Administrativo Alpujarra / Clínica CES Prado / Ruta N / Florida Parque Comercial

Sistema Metro de Medellín

Puedes llegar fácilmente al Hospital a través del Metro de Medellín y sus rutas integradas que conectan diferentes puntos de la ciudad.

sistema metro

Línea O: Buses eléctricos

Esta línea de buses eléctricos conectan La Estación La Palma (Belén) con la Estación Caribe a través del corredor de la Avenida 80.

Ruta de buses integrada

Ruta integrada 260i: Seminario - Estación Caribe

Esta ruta de buses se encuentra integrada al sistema de transportes Metro de Medellín y puedes ubicarla en la Estación Caribe. 

Ruta de bus integrada

Ruta integrada 250Mi: Huerta Pascual - Estación Universidad

Esta ruta de buses se encuentra integrada al sistema de transportes Metro de Medellín y puedes ubicarla en la Estación Universidad.